Cole Hall

Machine Type Status Time Remaining Notification
S/N 1603056409 (n029) Washer Available    
S/N 1603068118 (n030) Washer End of cycle    
S/N 1604001805 (n031) Washer Available    
S/N 1604019363 (n032) Washer End of cycle    
S/N 1604019366 (n028) Washer In use
22 minutes left
S/N 1604039667 (n035) Dryer End of cycle    
S/N 1604039670 (n033) Dryer Almost done
4 minutes left
S/N 1604039674 (n036) Dryer In use
17 minutes left
S/N 1604039677 (n034) Dryer End of cycle    
S/N 1604039685 (n037) Dryer Available    
Email: Notify me when there are washers and dryers available.

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© Alliance Laundry Systems LLC | PO Box 990 Shepard Street, Ripon, WI 54971 USA | Telephone: 1-920-748-3121